Sunday, January 9, 2011

"Another year over a new one just begun..."

I can't believe it's already 2011..Sounds cliche but time accelerates more quickly as I get older. 2010 was full of changes for me and I can't imagine what 2011 will bring. I usually make resolutions and it was so fun to look back and see what I wrote for myself this time last year. In 2010 I moved to Boston, worked several jobs that continue to give me access to wonderful people and learn about wonderful things, traveled to New Orleans for a touching and lovely wedding and spent time with my family and many people I care about very much. 

The things I want to keep in mind for myself for the new year can best be summed up by the Holstee Manifesto..


I have a lot of new plans for 2011 already! All the best kiddies for the new year!