nueva york round 2

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This past weekend I had the pleasure of spending a birthday celebration with two of my many wonderful cousins. I like to pretend that I have about a gazilion cousins--which basically I do (thanks Irish Catholic family). The birthday in question was actually my cousin Alison's--she's lovely, amazing and awesome and somehow we always spend our birthdays together! She lives in Harlem in the cutest little apartment and despite getting sick before the trip was over it was definitely one of the best weekends I have had in a long time! Margaret and I took the bus and it was non-stop silly crazy from the moment we arrived.

Alison's chambre

Le arc making me think of Paris and When Harry Met Sally

Hot pretzels and mustard and of course beer 

Gorgeous girls (we're related)

Sometimes you just need a banana to get you going!

Miss you already cousins!