if vegetarians eat vegetables than what do humanitarians eat?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

English is one of the most confusing languages in the world. Nothing is consistent and there is an exception to almost every rule. Its funny because you think its your native language and thus it should be easy peasy to logically come to a conclusion when a student asks you a question. But actually most of the time why English does the crazy things it does has no rhyme or reason!
For example...I was teaching about communicating one's life story to the beginning class last week..A student asked me "Why do you say: Where did you grow up? and then answer I grew up?" uhhhhhh......I started sweating more profusely... Grew and grow..both in the past...I ended up saying something like that's just how it is with growing! Probably not a very satisfactory answer but es la vidaaa!

So far Cortney and I have each taught 3 practice lessons. We teach adult volunteers of different levels varying from beginner to advanced. Our classes are usually 2-4 people which suits me because its nerve-wracking! I can't help but remember how much I used to judge my teachers! Anywhere from outfit inspections--tube socks are never in style SORRY! judging! to wondering if they have families or what their life story is. When you are standing in front of a group of people claiming to be somewhat of an expert on something its hard not to think if they are questioning your expertise. Its interesting teaching adults who are well beyond our years but actually all of the students are very sweet and understanding. Its no struggle to get them to do what you want! Doing the TEFL program has made me realize how hard teachers have to work. Not only is it exhausting to teach and be active and exciting during your lessons but it takes hourssss to figure out a good lesson plan with a variety of activities. I imagine one gets better at planning these with time. It makes me sad that in the US teachers aren't appreciated as much as they deserve. Our teacher Christine is from Singapore and she taught English for several years before she became a trainer. She said that teachers are highly respected in Asian countries versus everywhere else in the world. Its pretty interesting to think about. When and how exactly did the profession evolve to what it is in the US today?

Anyway I'm getting better at teaching and its a relief to be halfway done with our program..wooo HOOO! We had a busy week filled with assignments and homework but we also had some delicious food and fun as well. Nelson cooked dinner for all of us on Wednesday night--a delicious pasta with veggies and some kind of meat (I know! I know! ANDY I am still fully committed to pescatarianism except maybe chicken and turkey too but I couldn't be impolite..I actually have been eating so much suchi (sushi) that I might get mercury poisoning but all the fish here is sooo fresh, tasty and best of all cheap!). It was really fun. Nelson had lots of good Chilean wine and told us that we had to finish all our food and wine because there are hungry and thirsty children in Africa!! haha. Hes the silliest man ever! Thursday night we ordered suchi in with our housemate Sandra--she is the sweetest ever and I love her! She's a 19year old German girl and right now she's here volunteering at an orphanage through a program Germany has where they pay people to go volunteer somewhere! Isn't that cool? I would do it in a second. Um hi America get on that please kthanks!

Anyway, I can't believe we have been here two weeks now! Crazy! Weekend wrap up later.


christinemayo said...

yeah, it's pretty ridiculous how different asian countries treat their teachers. in japan, teachers are really respected--it doesn't matter if you're a kindergarten teacher or a professor at the top university. the fact of the matter is, education is SO valued and thus, teachers are valued just as much for providing the tools to get kids to where they need/want to go in life. it seems like in the U.S., we take things for granted and that includes our education...boo!

i'm glad you're having a great time and learning so much! i'm so nerv to actually start teaching next year, especially with all the knowledge i'm accumulating from my classes about what a good/bad teacher/teaching is. so scary!


Hannah said...

YAY! hahha thats really funny cause i was sitting in class on wednesday and thursday and was wondering about my anthro's life and my ethics teachers life... i totally judge them... but they are both crazy weird.. im sure all your future students will love you and think that cort is crazy funny!! i misssss you!!! im glad you are eating meat!! eat some for me.. also i have had 4 cookies tonight so you know... delish!! keep eating good food for me and take some pics :)love you!