you ain't seen nothing yet

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ooh baby. So as I'm sure you have noticed I am back in the City of Angels and have decided to keep blogging for inspiration and what not so feel free to stop by if you have time! Living in Los Angeles again has made me think a lot about things I love/hate about this city. I am looking forward to exploring the city through a fresh perspective again (being able to experience nightlife for one!) and meeting new people. Amidst job searching and interning (in a contemporary art gallery in Hollywood), I plan to hike, explore, shop, and eat my way around LA. 

ps. New layout..what do you think?


christinemayo said...

LOVE the new layout!! it's a beauty. and i love that you're gonna continue's not like i talk to you allllll the time and know every single thing you're doing or anything...
so i can't wait to get myself to l.a. so we can do some exploring together! as much as people hate on l.a., it's still such an exciting and pretty city to be in.