waiting for spring.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

February was basically a long wintry mix and I seriously can't wait for spring! I knew moving to New England was going to challenge my tolerance for tough weather (ahem Dad!) but to be fair this has been the snowiest winter in YEARS! Here's some pretty pictures to get you excited for spring too!

Images via Abby and Gypsy

Ps. I just finished Jitterbug Perfume and it is officially one of my top ten favorite books of all time. Highly recommend picking it up!



Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Here's looking at you, kid.

This year my Valentine's day was lovely! I was given the most gorgeous pink roses, made a delicious homemade pizza and salad and saw Casablanca at The Brattle Theatre. Hope everyone shared some love and ate chocolate! :)



Thursday, February 10, 2011

Someone special reminded me of being a grateful and how I used to write down little things that made me happy and thankful each day.

Today I am thankful for:

Little girls at work today who talked about a magical toilet in the stall next to me...imagination is a wonderful thing.

A boy on the subway dancing to someone else's ipod music.

An amazing Valentine's day card workshop that was led by one of the coolest artists I have met in quite a while.


Tropical music by Tennis--reminding me that winter will indeed end!