
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The past couple of weeks I've had my one of my best friends Natalie and then my dear sister visiting here in Boston. The best part about having those close special people with me is that I don't have to worry about planning anything. We spent the majority of the time doing all of our favorite things on the random---baking, decorating, eating, drinking, walking, laughing and dancing. It was perfect. I miss them so much already!

cutest little lady Natalie in her party outfit

homemade salsas and guacamole 

gorgeeeeous flowers courtesy of Nataliebug

my sister da fightah

hardware store made sister bracelets

decorated eggs by Rachel, Chub and I

Easter day pingpong

Doggie Love

Ps. Happy Spring!


too good.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

You know those people in your life who just get it? They are the ones who can make you laugh so hard that you spray beverage all over the place, who understand exactly what you want to do when you want to do it, who listen to your worries, your excitement and your thoughts, and who generally make your life a pleasant and wonderful experience. Yeah. I'm grateful for them. Sometimes I like to imagine who these ladies in a room all together and I can't help but smile!


yeah yeah YEAH!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tomorrow one of my bestest and greatest friends in the world is coming to visit and I'm sooooo unbelievably excited! Watch yourself Boston!



dream swims

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The sun finally poked it's head out this weekend and I was extremely thrilled to say the least. It was the perfect reminder that summer is coming! Samantha French's work is some of the most captivating paintings I've seen in a while. I can feel cool rush of water already!