Santiago Guide

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Travel Guide: Santiago

Part 1

Before Mary Jo arrived Cortney and I complied a list of must-see/must-dos in Santiago (all with a small budget in mind). We came up with a pretty comprehensive list including food, museums, bars/clubs, monuments, and interesting side trips.

First, there's the historic sites/buildings..

Plaza De Armas--When the Spanish came to conquer South America, Chile was one of the last countries to succeed. Although many Spanish explorers came before Pedro de Valdvilla, he was the first successful conquistador. In every South American city there is a Plaza de Armas because the Spanish believed it to be essential to an industrious city. The Plaza de Armas in Santiago is from the 1540's when Pedro de Valdivia first arrived. The plaza was remodeled and is lined by the Palacio de la Real Audiencia (1804) which houses the Museo Histórico, the Municipalidad de Santiago (1785) and the Correo Central (postoffice) (1882), and the Catedral Metropolitana (1745). It is a nice plaza to eat ice cream and people watch. In addition, there are always artists selling paintings in the square and old men playing chess.

Plaza de Armas at night

Parque Metropolitano/Cerro San Cristobal
This park has a variety of outdoor activities and spectacular views. There are two pools, a zoo, a funicular which goes to the highest point in the city where the statue of the Virgen is mounted. I took Mary Jo on a run here and we also rode the funicular to the top. It is a nice little refuge from the busy streets of Santiago where the air is cleaner!

Mary Jo and Lady Santiago

Cerro Santa Lucia
Pedro de Valdivia made his first government building at the then center of the city--called Cerro Santa Lucía in 1541. It is a beautiful castle with gardens that has a really awesome view of the city. I think the view is better than Cerro San Cristobal because it is not above the smog. On Wednesdays there is a party in the castle called "After Office" where everyone dresses up and dances. It is really fun and we got to take Mary Jo to Santa Lucia both during the day and for After Office. There is also a Ferria Santa Lucia at the base with really cool artisanal crafts that is definitely worth checking out!

view from the top

us girls before After Office

Next up: Best Food Spots
Besos a todas!