catch up

Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday Monday! Hola dear readers..Sorry for the hiatus..Things have been movin' along here so quickly Iv'e barely had time to catch my breath! 
Here's some shots of what I've been up to...

Having best friends visits:
Strawberry Festing:

Working working working!
(via tumblr)

Eating treats a la my sister such as Martha Stewart salted chocolate caramel cupcakes for a dearest friend's graduation party..mmm!

(via Martha)

Today I have a joyus day off and I feel like doing so many things and nothing at the same time.. You know what I mean? Haha

(via flickr)

This week I'm loving seeing old friends and catching up, crisp weather, skyping best friends in foreign countries, exciting news, and art projects.
ps. Something is funky with my layout/commenting on the blog but I'm working on it!