
Monday, May 3, 2010

Happy Monday Morning to You!

(Image via la taco)

This weekend my brother came home and I spent the majority of the weekend hanging out at home and enjoying the fresh weather.

On Friday we went to Father's Office..and I ate the yummiest duck and fig salad. Mmmm.
They also have an awesome selection delicious beer which was fun to pick and choose from!
I babysat on Saturday and then met my brother for sushi. Such yum! We watched a movie and laughed thinking about what my sister would have said. Sunday--Mama and me time..filled with copious amounts of delicious coffee in huge bowls, Target perusing, and fun. I also went for a run on Sunday and had a funny incident that reminded me of my lovely silly friend Vanessa.

I was on my run on a trail (the bluffs near my house) and this old, wise looking, Indian woman with beautiful white hair and crazy turquoise jewelry stopped me. "Are you alright?" I asked. And she said "are you afraid of snakes?"  To which I responded.."Um, no but they make me slightly nervous"...(which is not really true--I really don't get along with them at all and when I lived with Vanessa she constantly threatened to bring one home as a pet!)
"There are two beautiful king snakes mating in the middle of the path and I forgot to move them over and Im concerned that dogs will eat them so if you could move them with a stick you will save their lives". 
.....I especially don't get along with snakes because when I once was swimming a lake and a snake slithered on the water towards me with no warning! It was shocking because I didn't even know snakes could swim ON TOP of WATER. But, being the good samaritan I am, I agreed. 
She then handed me a big stick. So there I am running with my stick looking for some snakes on the ground (even though I'm not really sure I was even able to complete this task) and another walker girl was listening to her ipod and she didnt see me till I was right behind her and she screamed! 

I tried to explain about the snakes and the stick but it was no use. I just looked crazy. I put the stick down and said bye. I must have looked pretty silly running with a stick looking for snakes..haha!

Anyway, another week is upon us and today I'm dreaming of road trips to Boston, cousin twins, best friends, my sister coming home, bestie friend visitors coming in 2 weeks, the upcoming Strawberry Festival and getting creative with art and cooking.


christinemayo said...

i laughed out loud reading this post...IN CLASS. no good.

coming to you in 10 days, bestie!

Dana said...

tara! nice improvement on the blog!! it´s looking beautyful congrats!!!
juanita misses you