
Sunday, June 13, 2010

San Francisco Ferry building

Blue Bottle Coffee

Paris Lovers (missing a few!)

Lovely Porch set up (bunny included)

Delicious Froyo Stop

Santa Cruz I miss you so much!

Visiting my college town and some of my closest friends was like a breath of fresh air with a touch of sadness. It felt wonderful to see many of the people who make my life and experiences so rich and hilarious..I felt pretty nostalgic the whole weekend..forcing my brother to listen to "remember when.." stories. Northern California is one of my favorite places in the world--especially Santa Cruz. Living there generally made me feel calm and happy. We ate waaaaay too much and indulged in some delicious treats. Drinking and dancing are a must when visiting friends including sitting on the pier eating fish tacos and drinking margaritas. Heavenly! I got that infectious happy feeling seeing my friends happy and busy and excited for all their various endeavors. I was also a bit sad because I knew I had to leave the bay and would be far (at least physically) from my friends for a while. Luckily, I know that I will always be close to these amazing people and town! More of my friends are coming to visit down south so I have that to look forward to and I can't wait!


christinemayo said...

aw this post! i'm beyond happy that you spent an entire week up here. you make me happy. Santa Cruz is beautiful and exciting and amazing cus of all of the memories and people we associate it with. and the bfast places, obvi. i love you and can't wait for your second visit with vaness! (really don't know what the sleeping situation will be like then...haha)

christinemayo said...
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christinemayo said...
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Dana said...

hola tarita! linda, como va la vida? te mando mil besitos desde chilito

Tara said...

Christine--haha I know. MESSY is all I can say. F!

Danita! Bien Bien..super ocupada pero toda esta bien. Fue a la norte visitar mis amigos y fue muy divertido.. como esta el campo? tus fotos son hermoso. Espero que estan venir pronto! Te extrano! besos!!